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Art, Lifestyle, Travel. Aserica is Asia, America, And the Whole World in Between


Bally hosted a cocktail and a private dinner to celebrate the opening of the exhibition ‘Form Scratch’ to honor the work of modernist designers where functionality and innovation are also at the core of Bally’s pioneer heritage and cutting-edge spirit. This event is the first milestone of an evolving exhibition to be continued in Art Basel Miami in December and Art Basel Hong Kong in 2015. The celebration started on Tuesday 17 June, about 300 guests gathered to Ostquai where a monumental unique art piece created by among others. Photo Stéphane Feugère

Maecenas dui. Aliquam volutpat auctor lorem. Cras placerat est vitae lectus. Curabitur massa lectus, rutrum euismod, dignissim ut, dapibus a, odio. Ut eros erat, vulputate ut, interdum non, porta eu, erat. Cras fermentum, felis in porta congue, velit leo facilisis odio, vitae consectetuer lorem quam vitae orci. Sed ultrices, pede eu placerat auctor, ante ligula rutrum tellus, vel posuere nibh lacus nec nibh. Maecenas laoreet dolor at enim. Donec molestie dolor nec metus. Vestibulum libero. Sed quis erat. Sed tristique. Duis pede leo, fermentum quis, consectetuer eget, vulputate sit amet, erat.

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